

“Spiderhead” is a science fiction film based on a short story by George Saunders. Set in a futuristic society, it explores the ethical implications of advanced technology and human experimentation. The story follows prisoners who become subjects in a drug-testing facility, questioning the nature of reality and free will.


The movie Spiderhead is movie released on Netflix starring Chris Hemsworth ,The movie has some possitve as well as some negative  points ,but overall movie is great if you arent expecting any action thriller kinda  movie ,Spiderhead offers an engaging and thought-provoking exploration within a futuristic setting. Its strong performances, intense atmosphere, and impressive visuals contribute to an amazing cinematic experience. However, the film could have benefited from greater originality, more consistent pacing, and deeper character development. Despite these shortcomings, Spiderhead remains an entertaining choice for fans of science fiction and dystopian narratives. 

Possitive points

1.Engaging & new Concept about the medecine and experiment lab

2.Strong Performances amazing acting by Chris Hemsworth  as well as the prisoners

3.Intense and Suspenseful unpredictable climax and twists

4.Visual and Cinematic Appeal Amazing cinematography  and sets

Negative points

1.Uneven Pacing – movies runs on its onws space which may feel very slow or boring in som parts

2.Character Development –Movie lacks in character building as we don’t now background of any characters or history properly Execpt one

Title image credits :- Spiderhead team